Melissa Haight



In a culture that embodies a fast-paced lifestyle where social acceptance is more valued than authenticity, yoga gave me the space to discover lost pieces of myself. As I gained the courage to witness myself and speak my truth, I began moving from a place of awareness and self-compassion. I began to heal. When the external world felt heavy, yoga offered me accessibility to grounding and taught me how to live consciously, in the moment. Through this practice, I discovered Ayurveda and through Ayurveda, I discovered my whole self—the beautiful interweaving of the mind, body, spirit and the internal & external connections. Ayurveda taught me to hold all my broken pieces and to see them as beautiful--it helped give me an understanding of the deep, innate capacity for self-healing. 


With a background as a Medic in the United States Air Force, an Anthropology Undergraduate Degree and extensive training as an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor, Massage Therapist and Yoga Instructor—I’m dedicated to the continuation of learning, listening and embracing the evolution of change. Kala, in Sanskrit, represents the importance of timing in one’s life while also embodying the constant fluidity of change & growth. I’m thrilled to be a part of, to learn from, and to grow with this mindful community.

The ‘art of letting go’ requires the investment of vulnerability, change, and showing up for yourself. Through integrating bodywork, yoga and Ayurveda, I strive to harmonize science, spirituality & ancient wisdom in an accessible manner. I’m passionate and honored to share this intimate journey in wellness & healing with others. It is my hope that we’ll walk together. 

Om Mani Padme Hum

“When I met Melissa I was in a very vulnerable place in my life, and I was struggling both emotionally and physically. During her yoga classes, I felt fully supported by her gentle and intuitive guidance. I also felt completely comfortable sharing everything with her during my Ayurvedic assessment. Her questions supported deep reflection and helped me to understand myself in a different way. Her recommendations fully resonated with me and still continue to support my healing journey. I am grateful for Melissa, and highly recommend her to anyone who is in need of healing.”

—Jamie L.